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笔趣阁 > HP弗洛伦斯 > 第五十六章 开学宴

第五十六章 开学宴

“double, double toil and trouble.(不惮辛劳不惮烦)

fire burn, and caldron bubble;(釜中沸沫已成澜)

double, double toil and trouble,(不惮辛劳不惮烦)

something wicked this way es .(必有恶人来)

eye of newt, and toe of frog .(蝾螈之眼青蛙趾)

wool of bat, and tongue of dog;(蝙蝠之毛犬之齿)

adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting.(蝮舌如叉蚯蚓刺)

lizard's leg, and owlet's wing.(蜥蜴之足枭之翅)

double, double toil and trouble,(不惮辛劳不惮烦)

fire burn, and caldron bubble;(釜中沸沫已成澜)

double, double toil and trouble,(不惮辛劳不惮烦)

something wicked this way es .(必有恶人来)

in the caldron boil and bake,(脔以为片煮至熟)

fillet of a fe

y snake;(沼地蟒蛇取其肉)

scale of dragon; tooth of wolf,(豺狼之牙巨龙鳞)

witches' mummy; maw and gulf.(千年巫师貌狰狞)

推荐阅读: 宿主作者可真拽 绝世唐门之百万年魂兽 山里为娘 暖阳下的泪痕 琼琼玉立 没想到我们竟死于冷漠 待到逐风化尘时 我的野蛮儿媳 超能打工人之职运玄机 关关在上